Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fishing Pen Rod Sample


I wonder if I have not been hacked! And it's super scary!

I returned yesterday from my internship at Poitiers (c finished, I'll be deprived of the net for a whole week! Aaaaah so I missed it! Moony and Siri and Ianto and Jack deprive someone ... a slash 5 days in a row, c monstrous! The worst thing is that it's been almost a month since I could not translate as it should!)

short while earlier, wanting to take a look at my flist, it does not surprise me to see my icon Ianto I made with love (♥) has been changed into a kind of redhead with straight hair and dark glasses making a grimace not very pretty! O_o!

Nan but what is that thing !!??!! Why is my icon Ianto-darling was it replaced?!?
Is that ever happened to anyone? I really hope that ct just one problem with LJ and I have not been hacked for real, because this record really scared .......

Aaah, great, now, in addition to being knocked out, I'm stressed ... -_-'

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Essay Career Aspirations

Comics: Comics

A small post made on purpose, before I go to bed, for someone's birthday absolutely adorable, my very sweet and nice [info] cybeleadam which is celebrating its * beep * th year on Earth!

Happy Birthday!

♥ I hope you got spoiled today!

All comics artist is available on its website in English!

Tonight Remus invites us to his home for the anniversary of Cybele! I hope we can all go ... ^ _-

Artist: [info] monophobia
Translator: [info] miss_jad

(Lie low at Lupin 's ... )

Well, I'm not going to translate the rules for using comics as the artist has, but that's link in English.
Otherwise, just know that to use any way (icon, signature ...) one of these comics, you must request permission from the author: